The Virginia Spaceport Authority Board of Directors
The Virginia Spaceport Authority's operations-forward workforce consists of engineers, technicians, operators, inspectors, logisticians, and support staff with strong experience in construction, project management, security, and safety. The Virginia Spaceport Authority reports to and is governed by its Board of Directors (the Board).

About the Board
2017 General Assembly Legislation for the Space Flight Authority states the Authority shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of nine members, two of whom shall be the Secretary of Transportation and the Director of the Virginia Department of Aviation or their respective designees. The remaining seven members shall be appointed by the Governor and shall have experience in at least one of the following fields: (i) the aerospace industry, (ii) the financial industry, (iii) the marketing industry, (iv) scientific and technological research and development; or (v) higher education.
Announcements & Minutes
Launch with the Virginia Spaceport Authority
We're ready and equipped to handle a variety of launch services to ensure mission success for you and your team.